Frequently Asked Questions

Definitely not! We welcome ladies and gents of all ages and fitness levels. There are always options which can be followed so that you work at a level that suits you and helps you achieve your personal goals.

Wear something comfy – training gear and shorts are preferable. If you run a lot it is wise to bring your trainers so we can discuss your gait and how this may affect you injury-wise. 

Everyone is different and every ache, pain and injury is different too. Your first appointment will help give us a better idea of how best to move forwards in your treatment plan. There is never an obligation to continue treatment if you do not wish to. My aim is to help you get better as quickly as possible! 

Mats are available to borrow for all of these classes but you are encouraged to bring your own whenever possible. 

Pickles and I look forward to meeting you!
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